Zero and IcedTea7

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Wed Sep 30 02:26:12 PDT 2009

2009/9/29 Gary Benson <gbenson at>:
> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>> I had to do some hacking on Zero to get it to work with the latest
>> HotSpot (hs17b01) including a fix to
>> which
>> has now been committed to hotspot-gc and turning off compressed oops
>> for Zero (it's now on by default, as is escape analysis).
> The code to turn off compressed oops should be in the very latest
> webrev (  Did you have
> to do more to disable it?

It is disabled by default, as Zero won't build without this.  As you
mention below, these tests turn it on explicitly and fail.

>> The Zero-specific failures are:
>> Unexpected exit from test [exit code: 134]
>> compiler/6711117/ : Assertion in 64bit server vm (flat !=
>> TypePtr::BOTTOM,"cannot alias-analyze an untyped ptr")
>> compiler/6826736/ : CMS: core dump with -XX:+UseCompressedOops
>> compiler/6849574/ : VM crash using NonBlockingHashMap (high_scale_lib)
>> compiler/6851282/ : JIT miscompilation results in null entry
>> in array when using CompressedOops
>> Unexpected exit from test [exit code: 1]
>> compiler/6795161/ : Escape analysis leads to data corruption
>> compiler/6865031/ : Application gives bad result (throws bad
>> exception) with compressed oops
> I guess we should force escape analysis off too.  The tests mentioning
> compressed oops must be turning it on with -XX:+UseCompressedOops.
> The turning off code in zero-10 only affects the default I think;
> should we change it to force it off?

The escape analysis problem seems to be one of not recognising the
option.  The same with LoopSwitching.  All three look like features we
need to decide either to support or force off for Zero.

I'm more worried by the two errors and the assertion failure which
don't seem to be related to any of these new features.   I've uploaded
the results to if you want to take
a look.

>> I have yet to try Shark with the new build drop.
> There are a couple of changes that will need migrating from icedtea6,
> notably that one of the classes has had its name changed.

Ok, which class?

> Cheers,
> Gary
> --

Andrew :-)

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