Running non-free software

Roman Kennke roman at
Thu Jan 21 08:37:56 PST 2010

> > We lease
> > out computers to customers, which run linux, and wish to include the
> > FOSS IcedTea, however our Java application is non-free, so I was wonder
> > if there were any licensing issues that I'd need to be aware of?
> > 
> > I'm ok with the normal GPL stuff (Give out source code, don't restrict
> > distribution for IcedTea and other GPL applications etc..)
> There's not really a special IcedTea licence.  It's GPL plus an
> exception that makes it a bit more liberal (the "Classpath
> exception".)  So, if you're happy with GPL, you're fine.

To be precise, it's GPL (Hotspot and friends), and most parts of the
_classlibraries_ carry the exception (minus tests IIRC). This shouldn't
change anything for beeing allowed to run nonfree software on top.


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