[RFC] Netx: some native libraries are not found

Omair Majid omajid at redhat.com
Tue Jun 29 13:34:57 PDT 2010

On 06/29/2010 02:06 PM, Deepak Bhole wrote:
> * Omair Majid<omajid at redhat.com>  [2010-06-21 10:33]:
>> Hi,
>> There is a bug in the current version of Netx that fails to find
>> some native libraries [1][2].
>> In the current implementation of Netx, one classloader is created
>> per JNLP file; for JNLP files loaded as extensions, the classloaders
>> share information about where to find resources. Unfortunately, they
>> do not share any information about where to find native libraries.
>> This makes Web Start applications with extensions that use native
>> libraries fail. The proposed patch [3] fixes this.
>> Any comments concerns? Should I go ahead and commit this fix?
> Patch looks good to me. Assuming you have tested it, please go ahead and
> commit.

On furthur testing, I found an issue with the patch I had posted. I had 
to change the check for extLoader and baseLoader from
  if (baseLoader != null)
  if (baseLoader != null && baseLoader != loader)
which makes sense to me: adding urls and native directories repeatedly 
to the same loader has no point.

Ok to commit?

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