[icedtea-web] RFC: allow icedtea-web to run with just a jre

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Thu Aug 18 22:28:14 PDT 2011


Just to keep in loop - This is related to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=731358 and https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=731345

The patch itself looks ok. The only point I can see is that now there are three java paths set by configure -
--with-jdk-home can specify SYSTEM_JDK_DIR
--with-java can specify JAVA
and now --with-jre is added.

Is there really any reason why to keep all thee variables?

Best Regards J.

On 08/18/2011 07:22 PM, Omair Majid wrote:
> Hi,
> The attached patch allows icedtea-web to run in the presence of just a jre, rather than the entire jdk, after icedtea-web is built.
> The rationale for this change is that some distributions, like Fedora, only include the contents of openjdk's j2sdk-image/jre as part of the openjdk package. j2sdk-image/bin is provided with the openjdk development package in those distributions. It should not be necessary for users of icedtea-web to install the openjdk development packages.
> During the build process IcedTea-Web embeds the path to the jre directory and the java binary in the launcher scripts (javaws/itweb-settings) and the plugin so (IcedTeaPlugin.so).
> The patch adjusts things so that the java binary is looked up from inside the jre. The jre can now also be specified separately.
> With the patch applied something like this should work:
> ./configure --with-jdk-home=/path/to/icedtea6/openjdk.build/j2sdk-image --with-jre-home=/path/to/icedtea6/openjdk.build/j2re-image
> And even if the j2sdk-image is removed, IcedTea-Web should continue to work.
> If --with-jre-home is not specified, it should default to $SYSTEM_JDK_DIR/jre, the old value.
> I would like to add this to HEAD, and backport it to 1.1 as well.
> Any thoughts or comments?
> Cheers,
> Omair

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