Announcing IcedTea-Web 1.0!

Deepak Bhole dbhole at
Wed Feb 2 10:17:59 PST 2011


We have released the first version of IcedTea-Web 1.0!

IcedTea-Web is an addon component to IcedTea. It is open source (GPL + LGPL for
some parts) and provides a Java web browser plugin (IcedTea NP Plugin) and Java
Web Start implementation (i.e. javaws binary, based on NetX and referred to as
such). Additionally, release 1.0 also contains an alpha preview of
itweb-settings, a GUI tool to control deployment settings for NetX and the

So what is new in the plugin and NetX in icedtea-web you ask? Well, lots!


 * NetX and plugin configuration can now be specified via a file * System-level as well as user-level files with locked configuration are supported

 * Applications and applets can now have a Look and Feel different from rest of
   IcedTea-Web * Native directories are correctly cleaned on exit

 * Cached files with special characters in file names are now handled correctly

 * Interfaces javax.jnlp.IntegrationService and javax.jnlp.DownloadService2 are
   now available

 * javaws now supports a new  -Xclearcache option

 * Applications with non-public main classes are now supported.

 * JNLP files containing <component-desc> as well as <application-desc> will
   now work

 * JNLP files referenced in the applet tag are now parsed to detect applet

 * Applets are now double-buffered to eliminate flicker in ones that do heavy

Bug fixes:

 * PR592: NetX can create invalid desktop entry files
 * PR542: Plugin fails with NPE
 * PR552: Support for FreeBSD’s pthread implementation
 * PR554: System.err writes content two times
 * PR556: Applet initialization code is prone to race conditions
 * PR557: Applet opens in a separate window if tab is closed when the applet
 * PR565: UIDefaults.getUI fails with jgoodies:looks 2.3.1
 * PR593: Increment of invalidated iterator in IcedTeaPluginUtils
 * PR597: Entities are parsed incorrectly in PARAM tag in applet plugin
 * PR619: Improper finalization by the plugin can crash the browser
 * RH665104: OpenJDK Firefox Java plugin loses a cookie

It can be downloaded here:

Build instructions are here:

SHA256 sum:
e33413768cdf2ffce66aaff00fed5dd06deb09ed7eb28e522cdad4f29b78e594  icedtea-web-1.0.tar.gz

A big thanks to Andrew John Hughes, Omair Majid and Andrew Su for helping make this happen!


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