[icedtea-web] RFC: versions should reflect the current changeset id, not repository tip

Omair Majid omajid at redhat.com
Wed Feb 23 16:21:26 PST 2011


The attached patch makes it so that the IcedTea-Web version string 
includes the current changeset number, not the changeset number 
corresponding to tip.

For people just checking out code or always building icedtea-web from 
(their) tip, the two are the same. But if you clone the latest version 
and update to a previous revision (say for bisecting), then the two 
numbers are quite different; it makes no sense to associate the 
changeset id for tip with the current changeset id. The attached patch 
uses hg id -i to obtain the current changeset id.

As a slight bonus, the version string produced from hg id contains a '+' 
at the end if the changeset has been modified. For example, building 
from tip with this patch applied results in:
This should make it easier to tell if the build is based on a pristine 
changeset or contains local modifications.

Any thoughts or comments?

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