[patch] fix hotspot hs20 build on powerpc and powerpc64

Xerxes Rånby xerxes at zafena.se
Thu Feb 24 15:25:18 PST 2011

On 2011-02-24 23:32, Matthias Klose wrote:
> hs20 on powerpc64 fails to build in the java -version check with
> java -version
> The stack size specified is too small, Specify at least 1600k
> Could not create the Java virtual machine.
> increased the default to 2048k, for powerpc64 only.
> the default zero stack size for 32bit is then 1024k for 32bit archs,
> 1536k for 64bit archs and 2048k for powerpc. the remaining bits use the
> new defaults sizes to build corba and the jdk, and something lower,
> which lets the build fail on both powerpc and powerpc64.
> bootstrapped on both 32bit and 64bit. That should go the trunk and the
> branch.
> Matthias

(23.51.19) xranby-home: doko: do you have resources to add a ppc builder?
(23.55.52) xranby-home: doko: its hard to tell by simply looking at the 
patch if it are going to fix the build since it only requests more 
memory :/ ,    the patch itself looks ok
(23.59.03) doko: xranby: no, I have only a PS3 at home, and I turn it 
off for the most time, it get's too expensive to run it the whole time
(23.59.42) doko: xranby-home: can you confirm on the ML?
(2011-02-25 00.00.30) xranby-home: i can confirm for the trunk

+1 to go to the trunk


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