[icedtea-web] reviewer needed - added engine for lunching reproducers

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Thu May 5 09:05:21 PDT 2011

Makefile - automated compile and copy for most of reproducers, with 
possibility to add more complex reproducers which will take care of 
compiling themselves (I have in this way also "repaired" your 
reproducers you send me, but because this patch is about engine itself 
they are not commited - but are working quite fine :) )
  When all reproducers are prepared, junit testsuite is lunched - after 
program is "installed". junit takes location of installed javaws and 
location of prepared reproducers (directory jars, jnlps and other 

Inside junit suite virtual server is lunched and serves all resources.
During the testsuite individual jnlps are executed, and their 
stderr/out/return code can be asserted. (There are helepers method for 
this in used virtual server which provides to tester exactly std out/err 
return code). Also possibility to timeout process is added.
At the end the report - same as was for unit tests - is generated (if my 
previous patch is used :). There is also possibility of including 
stdout/err of tests into xml-report files.

Regards J.

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