Fwd: Re: [icedtea-web] xml output for junit, transformation sheets for daily report

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Wed May 11 08:06:57 PDT 2011

On 05/11/2011 03:52 PM, Dr Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> On 14:51 Wed 11 May     , Jiri Vanek wrote:
>> ..snip..
>>>> 	*index.html: file which provides runtime transformation
>>>> 	of tests-output.xml and report.xml
>>>> 	* tests/styles/index.js: runtime transformation script and fast
>>>> 	navigation functions
>>> I think the transformation should be preformed by make as part of producing index.html,
>>> rather than having browser-specific hacks.
>> Not exactly. My "task" ..or.. my "desire"..  was to produce full,
>> reusable report from testsuite. And this is XML (one for unit tests, one
>> for reproducers-tests). It will be used for anything we will want to
>> mine from results. (For now I'm aware about hystory, view of single run
>> and graphs and statistics). The sheet is designed to view the report in
>> human readable way for the single run. . It will be used to generate
>> htmls on torment.  But the generation itself should not be in
>> icedtea-web (makefile).
> Yes, it should, if the XML is being produced by make.  It's unintuitive for
> the index.html.in to be transformed to something that isn't the final HTML,
> but requires a further transformation.

Still I must disagree. Add dependences to xalan-xercess is is quite big 
step. And especially those two caused troubles in recent icedtea6 build 
under f15. I do not want to provide result html after build. I would 
like to provide results (xml) and some basic opinion to view them quicly 
and comfortably.
For daily report will be used xslt x xml on torment, so only resulted 
html will be shown. Xml itself will be used also for statistics.

Included runtime transformation should serve to develloper just as 
"preview" of data  after control build.
>> On the other way the sheet prove itself useful when hunting bugs. So I
>> decide to include the html skeleton which provide fast access to tests`
>> results using xslt transformation...
>> Btw - its not an hack:) The mozzila (and company) behaviour is following
>> w3c specification for this thing.  Although... yes IE part is hack :-/.
>> So I'm willing to remove it (As i do not like M$ manners to :) ... ) but
>> no one ever knows...
> No, I believe the standard is to include:
> <?xml-stylesheet href="templates/project.xsl" type="text/xsl" ?>
> in the XML.

This will bound the xml to one concrete sheet. This means that when you 
want several points of view to data (several xslt upon one XML) then you 
need to have same number of XMLs. Also you will lost possibility to show 
both reports simultaneously.

As mentioned at the top, index.html is overview after make check and 
make distcheck - especially for the one who made the build.

> Displaying the results should not require Javascript.
True. Still the javascript is included in final html (although it is not 
required - all traces are visible then) for hide/show full stack traces.
>> ..snip..

huh.. I hoped I described my point of view clearly (As I do not belive 
my english :D )

>> Regards J.

It Is very sad you did not mentioned your dislike to runtime 
transformation after initial email (04/29/2011) (directly:
and draft in java-team even ore before. Now it cause unnecessary troubles:(

Regards J.

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