[visualvm] RFC: add support for building visualvm-1.3.3

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Wed Nov 2 07:54:17 PDT 2011

On 11/02/2011 03:30 PM, Omair Majid wrote:
> On 11/02/2011 03:51 AM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
>> On 11/01/2011 09:29 PM, Omair Majid wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The attached patch adds support for building visualvm-1.3.3. I have
>>> not done any serious tests, but it builds fine on my machine. I intend
>>> to replace UPSTREAM_133_URL with BASE_CLASSPATH_URL once all the
>>> tarballs are available from icedtea.
>>> The patch looks for ${SYSTEM_NETBEANS_DIR}/platform13 but falls back
>>> to ${SYSTEM_NETBEANS_DIR}/platform if platform13 is not found.
>>> platform13 is the name used by some distributions (such as debian)
>>> while others use platform (like fedora).
>> Hi!
>> Looks Ok for me. I have uploaded sources for you to classpath, so you
>> can get rid of upstream url.
> Thanks.
>> I think that when this is in, we can release harness 1.3 and build
>> visualvm for f16.
> I am fine with a release of 1.3.
> Adding this to Fedora 16 may be a problem. You see, visualvm did not have a release schedule and at the time F16 was declared alpha, we had to decided whether to update netbeans in F16 (and break visualvm until 1.3.3 was released) or stick with netbeans 6.9 and visulavm 1.3.2. We ended up going with the second option. So F16 has netbeans 6.9 and I dont think visualvm 1.3.3 will work with that.
> As an aside, this is one of the issues pointed out by Stanislav Ochotnicky during FOSDEM. A project does a minor version bump but requires a dependency with a new major version. This makes life hard for packagers :(

Yy, I did not forgot about this. I just (at first ) tough you have build it against 6.9 platform, and I was wondering that changes was so simple (because I remember how hacky was to build it). In case that this build was against platform 7.x then everything is ok and things will remain stalled, Even release of 1.3 should wait until platform will be updated (probably f17)

> Thanks,
> Omair

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