[Bug 809] Fails with USAA Deposit at Home

bugzilla-daemon at icedtea.classpath.org bugzilla-daemon at icedtea.classpath.org
Mon Nov 7 18:24:04 PST 2011


--- Comment #7 from knife <scnaifeh at hotmail.com> 2011-11-08 02:24:04 UTC ---
I'm running IcedTea plugin 1.1.3 on FireFox 7 on Ubuntu 11.10. Should I open a
new bug on OpenJDK?

This appears to be the JavaScript that generates the HTML that loads the applet
(ignore that it says the browser name is Safari - that's userAgent trickery to
get past the prerequisite checks on the website - with the Sun/Oracle plugin,
it works whether I use Safari, FireFox, or InternetExplorer as the user agent
as long as I tell it I'm on Mac OSX rather than Linux):

function initializeApplet ()
    var appletHeight = "350";
    var appletWidth = "100%";
    ehdcAppDivW = "100%";
    ehdcAppDivH = appletHeight;
    if ((iceOrCanvasless || (typeof(headlessOverride) != "undefined" &&
headlessOverride)) && ehdcAppletObject == null)
        appletWidth = "1px";
        ehdcAppH = appletHeight;
        appletHeight = "1";
        ehdcAppletDivObject.style.height = "1px";
        ehdcAppletDivObject.style.width = "2px";
        ehdcAppletDivObject.style.visibility = "visible";
        ehdcAppletDivObject.style.borderWidth = "0px";

    appletDivHtml = '<object
classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" ' + 

            'id="CaptureApplet_object_id" ' +
            'width="' + appletWidth + '" ' +
            'height="' + appletHeight + '" ' +
            'align="middle" >' +
            '<param name="java_code"
value="com.usaa.ecm.capture.applet.EnterpriseCaptureApplet.class" > ' +

            '<param name="java_codebase" value="/inet/ent_ehdc/applet" > ' +
            '<param name="java_archive" value="ehdc.jar, TwainDLL.jar,
HDVal.jar" > ' +
            '<param name="type" value="application\/x-java-applet;" > ' + 
            '<param name="mayscript" value="true" > ' +
            '<param name="cache_archive" value="ehdc.jar, TwainDLL.jar,
HDVal.jar" > ' +
            '<param name="cache_version" value="0.0.0.D7, 0.0.0.D7, 0.0.0.D7" >
' +
            '<param name="boxmessage" value="USAA Home Document Capture " > ' +
            '<param name="scriptable" value="true" /> ' +
            '<param name="browser_name" value="Safari" />' +
            '<param name="browser_version" value="5.0.5" />' +
            '<param name="showCanvas" value="' + (showCanvas) + '" > ' +
            '<param name="backgroundColor" value="DDECF3" > ' +
            '<param name="previewBackground" value="DDECF3" > ' +
            '<param name="canvasHeight" value="3000" > ' +
            '<param name="canvasWidth" value="1500" > ' +
            '<param name="IsCropMandatory" value="true" > ' +                   
            '<param name="browserCookie" value="' +
document.cookie.replace(/"/g, "$EHDC_QUOTE$") + '" > ' +

            '<param name="uploadServlet"
value="https://www.usaa.com/inet/bank_deposit/EHDCImageUploadServlet" > ' + 

            '<param name="debugAllowMode" value="false" > ' + 
            '<comment> ' +
                '<embed type="application\/x-java-applet" ' +
                    'id="CaptureApplet_embed_id" ' +
                    'width="' + appletWidth + '" ' +
                    'height="' + appletHeight + '" ' +
                    'align="middle" ' +
'pluginspage="http://java.sun.com/out-of-proc-plugin-url-placeholder.xpi" ' +
'java_code="com.usaa.ecm.capture.applet.EnterpriseCaptureApplet.class" ' +

                    'java_codebase="/inet/ent_ehdc/applet" ' +
                    'java_archive="ehdc.jar, TwainDLL.jar, HDVal.jar" ' +
                    'mayscript="true" ' +
                    'cache_archive="ehdc.jar, TwainDLL.jar, HDVal.jar" ' +
                    'cache_version="0.0.0.D7, 0.0.0.D7, 0.0.0.D7" ' +
                    'boxmessage="USAA Home Document Capture" ' +
                    'browser_name="Safari" ' +
                    'browser_version="5.0.5" ' +
                    'showCanvas="' + (showCanvas) + '" ' +
                    'backgroundColor="DDECF3" ' +
                    'previewBackground="DDECF3" ' +
                    'canvasHeight="3000" ' +
                    'canvasWidth="1500" ' +
                    'IsCropMandatory="true" ' +
                    'browserCookie="' + document.cookie.replace(/"/g,
"$EHDC_QUOTE$") + '" ' +
                    'scriptable="true" ' +

' + 

                    'debugAllowMode="false" ' +
                    ' />' +
                    '<noembed> ' +
                        'A recent version of Java<sup><small>TM<\/small><\/sup>
software is needed in order to continue. ' +
                        '<br \/><br \/> ' +
                        'To use Home Document Capture, please update your <a
Runtime Environment (JRE).<\/a> ' +
                        'For information review our Frequently Asked
Questions.' +
                    '<\/noembed> ' +
                '<\/embed> ' +
            '<\/comment> ' +

    if (ehdcAppletObject == null)
        bypassClickToActivate('appletDiv', appletDivHtml);

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