[RFC][icedtea-web][rhino] added tests for corner cases of dateRange and enabled testWeekdayRange

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Tue Nov 8 05:30:34 PST 2011

This tests pickup and covers rhino tests failures, which occurs at the start/end of each week.
eg bottoms of:
and see  regeressions in Rhino tests

More then bug in netx itself, I suspect quite strange functions incDate and decDate in tests/netx/pac/pac-funcs-test.js
Note, that new tests of first day in month are falling all, and tests of last day in month are falling  only for 31 days long months.

Also I have noticed, taht testWeekdayRange (in same test file) have missing  runTests, so this test is never call. I adddd this call, and it's three tests are now in and passing
I had sorted call of this test *behind* "all currently running tests", because I want to keep rhino statistics (which are order-of-test dependent) untouched.

To test dateRange  properly against specific dates, I had to modify also netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/runtime/pac-funcs.js. I have moved logic of dateRange into new function  isDateInRange which an be called against any date.
  DateRange then preserve api compatibilty and is wrapper for "today" upon isDateInRange

Best regards


2011-11-08  Jiri Vanek <jvanek at redhat.com>
	Added tests which covers corner cases or rhino support function dateRange
	Enabled testWeekdayRange test
	* tests/netx/pac/pac-funcs-test.js: (testWeekdayRange) - added mising
	runTests call
	(incDate) (decDate) (monthToStr) moved level up from function scope
	to be shareable
	(testDateRange2) new method, tests last days of months.
	(testDateRange3) new method, tests first days of months
	* netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/runtime/pac-funcs.js:
	(dateRange) logic of this method moved to isDateInRange. This one now serve
	just as api using current date
	(isDateInRange) logic of dateRange, can calculate ranges against any date
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