Build of IcedTea6 HEAD broken

Mark Wielaard mark at
Thu Nov 10 02:09:23 PST 2011

Hi Andrew,

On Thu, 2011-11-10 at 09:23 +0000, Dr Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> Our nightly builder reports:
> Linking vm...
> vmError.o: In function `ps':
> /notnfs/nighttester/icedtea6-target-testing/openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities/vmError.cpp:241:
> multiple definition of `ps'
> debug.o:/notnfs/nighttester/icedtea6-target-testing/openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities/debug.cpp
> :464: first defined here
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Can you give a bit more information about how your nightly builder is
setup/configured? Most of the public buildbots for icedtea6 are green at
the moment:



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