[RFC][icedtea-web] emma and testcoveragefor testsuites

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Thu Nov 10 08:04:36 PST 2011

This patch add code-coverage of our testsuits functionality into makefile. It is adding optional dependence for  emma.jar, which is providing whole functionality of arround investigating coverage and generate reports.
It add three new top level targets into makefile.am It run-test-code-coverage, run-reproducers-test-code-coverage and run-unit-test-code-coverage. Except this, it is modifying touch $@ of several more targets. The reason is as follows.
  *run-reproducers-test-code-coverage and run-unit-test-code-coverage:
     * each must run all tests again, with (by emma) marrked code (so the results can not be as correct as we can wish)
     * it depends on all preparations which proceed normal testing
     * when they are run after this tests, they do not invoke them again (just run the marrked version)
     * when they are run without previoous make check or make run-netx-dist-tests they invoke them
     * all four make check , make run-netx-dist-tests  run-reproducers-test-code-coverage and run-unit-test-code-coverage are considered as top level targets
  *run-test-code-coverage, on the other side just merges results generated by run-reproducers-test-code-coverage and run-unit-test-code-coverage. When it is run after this two targets, then he just reuse the results. If he ie  run without, then he invoke them. It ia  lso to be considered top level target.
  *Each code-coverege target  creates html report.

Reproducer tests are not covered 100% they will need more hacking, which I will post as new patch. (in some longer time, it will not be easy)

Best regards


2011-11-10  Jiri Vanek <jvanek at redhat.com>
	Added code-coverage generation targets
	* configure.ac: added search for optional emma.jar
	* makefile.am: added UNIT_CLASS_NAMES and REPRODUCERS_CLASS_NAMES variables
	to store tests clases for reuse in emmarun
	(run-netx-dist-tests): made dependent on reused stamped version
	(stamps/run-netx-dist-tests): stamped rusable version of run-netx-dist-tests
	($(NETX_UNIT_TEST_DIR)/coverage.es) and (run-unit-test-code-coverage) targets
	to generate report from unit-tests. Both result binary file and html report in
	($(JNLP_TESTS_ENGINE_DIR)/coverage.es) and (run-reproducers-test-code-coverage)
	targets to generate report from reproducers-test. Both result binary file
	 and html report in tests.build/netx/jnlp_testsengine
	(run-test-code-coverage): merges binary results from unit and reproducers
	code-coverage runs and save html report in abs_top_builddir
	(clean-netx-dist-tests) removes REPRODUCERS_CLASS_NAMES file, and
	run-reproducers-test-code-coverage and stamps/run-netx-dist-tests stamps
	(clean-netx-unit-tests) remove UNIT_CLASS_NAMES fiel and
	run-unit-test-code-coverage and run-netx-unit-tests stamps

-------------- next part --------------
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