Build of IcedTea6 HEAD broken

Andrew Haley aph at
Fri Nov 11 03:15:59 PST 2011

On 11/10/2011 06:59 PM, Dr Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> On 10:25 Thu 10 Nov     , Andrew Haley wrote:
>> On 11/10/2011 10:09 AM, Mark Wielaard wrote:
>>> Can you give a bit more information about how your nightly builder is
>>> setup/configured?
>> Yes, please.  I'll fix it as soon as I can duplicate it.  I wonder
>> if it's a debug build.
> I couldn't replicate it with a default build either, which probably explains
> why no-one spotted it yet.  The builder tests a number of targets (setup by
> Omair IIRC) and indeed this failure occurs when it runs 'make icedtea-debug'.

Ah, OK.  It should be really easy to fix that.  Sorry for the breakage.

The build config for ARM is really messy at the moment, so I need
to tidy it up a bit.


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