[RFC][icedtea-web] Unit tests for the new updates to JarSIgner (incomplete)
Danesh Dadachanji
ddadacha at redhat.com
Mon Apr 2 13:46:47 PDT 2012
I've been working on updating JarSigner to be able to handle multiple
signers properly. Currently, it mashes and saves all of the signers'
properties (flags for expired/badly signed/not yet valid) as one. In
other words, if one signer has expired, all signers are seen by
IcedTea-Web as expired. If one has signing issues, then they all have
signing issues. This is definitely not an ideal solution since we're
telling users that verifiable applications are not verified.
The attached patch contains a set of unit tests for the (former)
verifyJar method. I'm going to avoid including the actual code for these
changes just yet because the entire class isn't fully cleaned up. Here's
a bit of background info on what I've changed though.
* What verifyJar should be doing:
My understanding of the idea behind verifyJar is that it does 2 somewhat
separate tasks. First, given a jar, iterate over all of its entries. For
every entry that can be signed, go through the list of signers and see
if any have issues. If they do, setup the flags accordingly (issues
could be expiry/bad key usage/not yet valid start date etc). Also, keep
track of the number of entries each signer has signed, as well as the
total number of possible signable entries. The second step is going
through all of the signers after all the entries have been iterated over
to see if there is a common signer that has signed them all. If there is
any entry that is not signed but should be, or if there is one entry
that does not share a common signer between all other entries, then this
jar is considered UNSIGNED. If all entries (that should be signed) share
a common signer, then the signer itself is checked. If the signer has
signing issues, the jar is considered SIGNED_NOT_OKAY, if it has no
signing issues, the jar is considered SIGNED_OK.
Please correct me if I am wrong!
* Summary of my changes to verifyJar:
I've split verifyJar into 2 methods, all the logic/implementations from
line 265[1] and onwards is now in a method named verifyJarEntryCerts.
Here's a quick snippet of its javadoc and method declaration:
* Checks through all the jar entries for signers, storing all the
* ones in the certs hash map.
* @param jarHasManifest Whether or not the associated jar has a
* @param entries The list of entries in the associated jar.
* @return If there is at least one signable entry that is not
signed by a
* common signer, return UNSIGNED. Otherwise every signable entry is
* signed by at least one common signer. If the signer has no issues,
* return SIGNED_OK. If there are any signing issues, return
* @throws Exception Will be thrown if there are issues with entries.
VerifyResult verifyJarEntryCerts(boolean jarHasManifest,
Vector<JarEntry> entries) throws Exception
The reason I've split this method up is so that JarSigner can be made
unit testable. The method verifyJar takes in a jar name and
creating/commiting one to upstream isn't suitable. Instead, I've created
an extra helper method that takes in a list of jar entries and tests
everything the original code tests. The new unit test class then hard
codes these entries, along with their signers, to make this method testable.
In order to do this, I've created a subclass of JarEntry so that I can
skip all the unnecessary bits JarEntry does that is not needed by
For the entries' signers, I've created a helper class that creates
X509Certificate objects with specified domain names/start dates/validity
periods. This code is essentially taken from
sun.security.tools.KeyTool#doGenKeyPair (which calls
KeyTool#doSelfCert), I've removed the bits that aren't needed
(KeyStore/alias etc) and left the bare minimum that is needed to create
an X509Certificate. I'm not 100% sure of the copyright header that is
needed for this class so I used the same one provided by KeyTool from
here [2] (with s/2011/2012). I would appreciate any insight as to if
this is correct. =)
The unit tests themselves are pretty self-explanatory, to save on
space/repetition, I've kept testing 1 entry and then 3 entries with the
same scenario under one method (with different asserts). I think this is
cleanest but am open to criticism! I've covered everything I could think
of except for the badKeyUsage/badExtendedKeyUsage/badNetscapeCertType
cases, I have yet to figure out how to setup certs using them. Is there
any corner case I've missed?
Comments are very appreciated!
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