[RFC][icedtea-web][JarCertVerifier Update] Remove/update useless variables

Danesh Dadachanji ddadacha at redhat.com
Thu Apr 5 13:50:56 PDT 2012


When going through updates for JarCertVerifier, I stumbled across these to variables that don't serve much purpose. The two ArrayLists, 
verifiedJars and unverifiedJars contain the jars passed into JarCertVerifier that are either verified or unverified. However, the 
lists' contents are never read, except for in allJarsSigned().

To clarify, verifiedJars is never touched apart from declaration and adding contents so I propose we remove its unnecessary code 
altogether. Secondly, apart from initialization and adding contents, unverifiedJars is only read by the method mentioned above to check 
its size, let alone examine its contents. Since this is the case, an integer be a better fit for this variable. The attached patch does 

I could not find them being read anywhere outside of JarCertVerifier so I think these changes should be acceptable. What does everyone 
else think?

+2012-04-05  Danesh Dadachanji  <ddadacha at redhat.com>
+	Update useless variables in JarCertVerifier.
+	* netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/tools/JarCertVerifier.java:
+	Removed verifiedJars list, renamed unverifiedJars to numUnverifiedJars
+	and changed its type to int instead of ArrayList.

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Name: remove-useless-vars-in-jar-cert-verifier-01.patch
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Url : http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/distro-pkg-dev/attachments/20120405/891a8e12/remove-useless-vars-in-jar-cert-verifier-01.patch 

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