If Icedtea-web is the plug-in component for OpenJDK upstream, its name should be openjdk-plugin !

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Sun Apr 15 10:40:48 PDT 2012

On 04/15/2012 06:05 PM, Fernando Cassia wrote:
> In the Linux world... it's different, mostly for historical reasons
> that MAKE NO SENSE for the end user, who might not even be aware that
> "Open source Java" (OpenJDK) includes the JRE but not the browser
> plug-in.

Actually, it's the other way around: the plugin used to be part of the
Fedora openjdk packages until recently.  We spun it out because we
need to be able to update it asynchronously.  So, the reason it's
separate is purely technical, and necessary.

> it'd suffice if IcedTea-Web team recommends distros to include an
> alias for the Icedtea-web package, named "openjdk-plugin" becase,
> gee, not everyone in the world knows that the open source java has a
> plugin with a totally unrelated name to the open source java package
> name (OpenJDK).

That's not totally unreasonable.  Is the issue simply that the name of
the plugin doesn't come up when you're searching for a package name
with yum?


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