Fwd: Re: [rfc][icedtea-web] reproducer for PR905

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Wed Apr 18 07:12:35 PDT 2012

On 04/04/2012 04:42 PM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
>>> This reproducer is representing pr905 behaviour. All the tests except
>>> signed jar with parametrised archive are passing, which is correct, and
>>> the failing test is representing the issue.
   All issues mentioned here should be fixed in new patch
Especially fixed vendor/homepage of tests, unified ?test=..., and using of already pushed signed 
applet test
>> + @Test
>> + public void parametrizedAppletJavawsTest2() throws Exception {
>> + System.out.println("connecting ParametrizedJarAppletUrl2 request");
>> + System.err.println("connecting ParametrizedJarAppletUrl2 request");
>> + ServerAccess.ProcessResult pr = server.executeJavawsHeadless(null,
>> "/ParametrizedJarAppletUrl2.jnlp?time=123456");
>> This is supposed to simulate running 'javaws ParametrizedJarAppletUrl2.jnlp?time=123456', right?
>> Well this is strange because if I run this command from terminal, I get the following:
>> $ cd ./icedtea-web/build/tests.build/jnlp_test_server
>> $ javaws ParametrizedJarAppletUrl2.jnlp?time=123456
>> netx: Invalid jnlp file ParametrizedJarAppletUrl2.jnlp?time=123456
>> I hope I'm misunderstanding the purpose of the above test (and the others similar to it) but if this
>> is the point, then something very strange is happening! Could you clarify what the above test is
>> supposed to simulate?
> Yes I can :) You must run it as url :) eg javaws
> http://localhost:44321/ParametrizedJarAppletUrl2.jnlp?time=123456
> Then everything behind ? is translated as parameter for server.
> If you are launching it as you are, then it is considered to be file, where question mark have no
> special meaning;)


2012-04-18  Jiri Vanek  <jvanek at redhat.com>

	Added tests for PR905 - parameters in jnlp/html application/applet resources
	* tests/jnlp_tests/simple/AppletTest/testcases/AppletTestTests.java:
	fixed reference to PROCESS_TIMEOUT by class instead by reference
	* tests/jnlp_tests/simple/ParametrizedJarUrl/resources/ParametrizedJarUrl.html:
	html file to launch applet, requested archive jar have parameter
	* tests/jnlp_tests/simple/ParametrizedJarUrl/resources/ParametrizedJarUrl1.jnlp:
	jnlp file to launch application, requested archive jar have parameter
	* tests/jnlp_tests/simple/ParametrizedJarUrl/resources/ParametrizedJarUrl2.jnlp:
	jnlp file to launch application, requested jnlp have parameter
	* tests/jnlp_tests/simple/ParametrizedJarUrl/resources/ParametrizedJarUrlSigned.html:
	html file to launch signed applet, requested archive jar have parameter
	* tests/jnlp_tests/simple/ParametrizedJarUrl/resources/ParametrizedJarUrlSigned1.jnlp:
	jnlp file to launch signed application, requested archive jar have parameter
	* tests/jnlp_tests/simple/ParametrizedJarUrl/resources/ParametrizedJarUrlSigned2.jnlp:
	jnlp file to launch signed application, requested jnlp have parameter
	* tests/jnlp_tests/simple/ParametrizedJarUrl/resources/ParametrizedJarAppletUrl2.jnlp
	* tests/jnlp_tests/simple/ParametrizedJarUrl/resources/ParametrizedJarAppletUrl.jnlp
	* tests/jnlp_tests/simple/ParametrizedJarUrl/resources/ParametrizedJarAppletUrlSigned2.jnlp
	* tests/jnlp_tests/simple/ParametrizedJarUrl/resources/ParametrizedJarAppletUrlSigned.jnlp
	variations launching applets from jnlp
	* tests/jnlp_tests/simple/ParametrizedJarUrl/testcases/ParametrizedJarUrlTests.java:
	testaceses of above ParametrizedJarUrl/jnlps+htmls namely - (parametrizedAppletTestSignedTest)
	, (testParametrizedJarUrl2), (testParametrizedJarUrlSigned2): passing
	calls /partially/ with parameter. Those test are passing.
	(parametrizedAppletTestSignedFirefoxTest) call with parameter upon signed
	applet in browser, failing and so is representing PR905

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