Bugzilla updates through mercurial commits

Mark Wielaard mark at klomp.org
Sun Apr 22 13:51:55 PDT 2012


Mercurial was updated to 2.1.2 and Bugzilla was updated to 4.2.1 on
icedtea.classpath.org. The bugzilla xmlrpc interface has been enabled
and that is now used with a new incoming.bugzilla hook to let mercurial
update any bug mentioned in a commit message.

Hopefully the result is useful. If not we can of course tweak the config.

The following config is now used in hgrc on the server:

hgext.bugzilla =

# run bugzilla hook on every change pulled or pushed in here
incoming.bugzilla = python:hgext.bugzilla.hook

# Catch things like PR icedtea/42, PR16, PR 16 or bug #11
regexp=(?:PR [a-z]+/|PR ?|bug ?)#?(\d+)
template=details: {hgweb}/{webroot}?cmd=changeset;node={node|short}\nauthor: {author}\ndate: {date|date}\n\n\t{desc|tabindent|strip}



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