[Bug 912] Pentaho Kettle' spoon.sh fatal error, SIGSEGV

bugzilla-daemon at icedtea.classpath.org bugzilla-daemon at icedtea.classpath.org
Wed Apr 25 02:36:00 PDT 2012


Xerxes Rånby <xerxes at zafena.se> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|NEW                         |RESOLVED
                 CC|                            |xerxes at zafena.se
         Resolution|---                         |WORKSFORME

--- Comment #3 from Xerxes Rånby <xerxes at zafena.se> ---
I am unable to reproduce this bug using:
java version "1.6.0_24"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11.1) (6b24-1.11.1-3ubuntu3)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)
in combination with Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle) 4.2.0

tar zxvf pdi-ce-4.2.0-stable.tar.gz
cd data-integration

The eclipse based window open on my machine and I am able to load the examples.
Please reopen this bug if you can reproduce it using icedtea6 1.11.1 and later.

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