ARM: Support for JVMTI notifications from JIT compiler on code generation

Andrew Dinn adinn at
Thu Apr 26 09:20:38 PDT 2012

Ok, here is the patch revised in the light of the previous feedback.
Both the patch /as was/ and /as is/ after this revision have been run on
a custom kernel tweaked so that oprofile operates correctly and are
generating coherent profile output. So, this can be considered to be tested.

One thing no one commented on was the use of the
JvmtiJavaThreadEventTransition marker and corresponding lack of any
HandleMark or other markers before calling out to the agent in the added
method JvmtiExport::post_compiled_method_load().

Anyone got anything to add on this or other aspects of the patch? Or can
I go ahead and commit this?


Andrew Dinn
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