[icedtea-web][rfc] Reproducer for PR588, java cookie jar cookies being stored properly
Jiri Vanek
jvanek at redhat.com
Fri Aug 10 05:52:25 PDT 2012
On 08/09/2012 10:38 PM, Adam Domurad wrote:
> [Sorry for the independent post - some of my emails from distro-pkg-dev
> seem to have fallen off the face of the earth and I'm not sure how I
> could reply using the archive. ]
> As Jiri suggested, I have expanded the reproducer to not only use
> showDocument with session cookies. The tests now also test multiple tabs
> being open, and access after the browser has been closed (does not work
> for session cookies). Permanent cookies are tested for all of these
> tests.
> Javaws tests were not included because it was difficult for me to
> produce behaviour where a webstart-like application created cookies and
> was able to read them ... more work to do here later. But for now, these
> should be sufficient for testing the aspects of PR588
Fair enough :) Test looks all in all good, the only (but blocker) issue is that most of the tests
are constantly FAILING for me. (f16,jdk6 and f17 jdk7) - only AppletCheckCookieIsntSet and
AppletSessionCookieSequential looks working :(
The issue is all over the same - all applets are correctly launched but the cookie previously saved
is not found. (iterating cookie map => [])
> ChangeLog:
> 2012-08-09 Adam Domurad<adomurad at redhat.com>
> Reproducers for PR588, sets persistent and session cookies in the
> cookie jar and tries to read them with various means.
> * tests/reproducers/signed/SavingCookies/resources/CheckCookie.html:
> Print the cookie store contents
> *
> tests/reproducers/signed/SavingCookies/resources/CheckCookieAndGotoClear.html:
> Print the cookie store contents, and then go to
> ClearPersistentCookie.html with showDocument
> *
> tests/reproducers/signed/SavingCookies/resources/ClearPersistentCookie.html:
> Clear the test cookie so it does not interfere with further tests
> *
> tests/reproducers/signed/SavingCookies/resources/SavePersistentCookie.html:
> Create a persistent cookie
> *
> tests/reproducers/signed/SavingCookies/resources/SavePersistentCookieAndGotoCheck.html:
> Create a persistent cookie and check it with showDocument
> *
> tests/reproducers/signed/SavingCookies/resources/SaveSessionCookie.html:
> Create a session cookie
> *
> tests/reproducers/signed/SavingCookies/resources/SaveSessionCookieAndGotoCheck.html:
> Create a session cookie and check it with showDocument
> * tests/reproducers/signed/SavingCookies/srcs/CheckingCookies.java:
> Checks the contents of the cookie store.
> Depending on the test, this may go to another page upon completion.
> * tests/reproducers/signed/SavingCookies/srcs/SavingCookies.java:
> Store cookies in the java cookie store. Depending on the test, this may
> go to another page upon completion.
> *
> tests/reproducers/signed/SavingCookies/testcases/SavingCookiesTests.java
> Test driver for testing persistent and session cookies in different
> ways
> +import java.util.HashMap;
> +import java.util.List;
> +import java.util.Map;
> +
> +public class CheckingCookies extends Applet {
> + static class Killer extends Thread {
> +
> + public int n = 2000;
> +
> + @Override
> + public void run() {
> + try {
> + Thread.sleep(n);
> + System.out.println("Applet killing itself after " + n + " ms of life");
> + System.exit(0);
> + } catch (Exception ex) {
> + }
> + }
> + }
> +
You do not need killer in browser. And I see you are not using it. feel free to keep it inside for
case that javaws reproducers will enter the game.
There are also some unused imports.
> + static private void printCookieInfo(URI uri) throws IOException {
> + CookieHandler handler = CookieHandler.getDefault();
> + Map<String, List<String>> cookieMap = null;
> +
> + if (handler == null) {
> + System.out.println("Failing due to lack of CookieHandler class!");
> + return;
> + }
> + System.out.println("Using CookieHandler class: " + handler.getClass().getCanonicalName());
> +
> + cookieMap = handler.get(uri, new HashMap<String, List<String>>());
> + for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : cookieMap.entrySet()) {
> + System.out.println("Iterating cookiemap with " + entry.getKey() + " => " + entry.getValue());
> + if (entry.getKey().contains("Cookie")) {
> + for (String cookie : entry.getValue()) {
> + System.out.println("Found cookie: " + cookie);
> + }
> + }
> + }
> + }
> +
> + /* If a show-document param was set, go there */
> + private void gotoNextDocument() {
> + URL baseURL = getCodeBase();
> + String nextDocument = getParameter("show-document");
> + if (nextDocument != null) {
> + try {
> + System.out.println("Calling showDocument(" + nextDocument + ")");
> + getAppletContext().showDocument(new URL(baseURL.toString() + nextDocument));
> + } catch (Exception e) {
> + e.printStackTrace();
> + }
> + }
> + }
> +
> + @Override
> + public void start() {
> + System.out.println("Entered CheckingCookies.java");
> + try {
> + printCookieInfo(getCodeBase().toURI());
> + } catch (Exception e) {
> + e.printStackTrace();
> + }
> + System.out.println("Finished CheckingCookies.java");
> +
> + gotoNextDocument();
> + }
> +}
> diff --git a/tests/reproducers/signed/SavingCookies/srcs/SavingCookies.java b/tests/reproducers/signed/SavingCookies/srcs/SavingCookies.java
> new file mode 100644
This is no magic - you launch process, you are getting its stdout/err. Then you launch second
process - and it does nothing more then forward handling of of its job to first process. So Second
process die, and first one is (correctly)
> + //XXX: It is necessary to check save.pr's stdout, because it does not show up in 'check.stdout' for some reason
> + Assert.assertTrue("stdout should contain '" + COOKIE_SESSION_CHECK + "' but did not.", save.pr.stdout.contains(COOKIE_SESSION_CHECK));
> + }
> +
> + @Test
> + @TestInBrowsers(testIn = { Browsers.one })
> + @Bug(id = "PR588")
> + public void AppletSessionCookieSequential() throws Exception {
> + ProcessResult save = server.executeBrowser("/SaveSessionCookie.html");
> + ProcessResult check = server.executeBrowser("/CheckCookie.html");
> + Assert.assertTrue("stdout should contain '" + ENTERING_CHECK + "' but did not.", check.stdout.contains(ENTERING_CHECK));
> + //Session cookies should NOT be intact upon browser close and re-open
> + Assert.assertFalse("stdout should NOT contain '" + COOKIE_SESSION_CHECK + "' but did.", check.stdout.contains(COOKIE_SESSION_CHECK));
> + }
> +
> + @Test
> + @TestInBrowsers(testIn = { Browsers.one })
> + @Bug(id = "PR588")
> + public void AppletPersistentCookieShowDoc() throws Exception {
> + ProcessResult pr = server.executeBrowser("/SavePersistentCookieAndGotoCheck.html");
> +
> + Assert.assertTrue("stdout should contain '" + ENTERING_CHECK + "' but did not.", pr.stdout.contains(ENTERING_CHECK));
> + Assert.assertTrue("stdout should contain '" + COOKIE_PERSISTENT_CHECK + "' but did not.", pr.stdout.contains(COOKIE_PERSISTENT_CHECK));
> + }
> +
> + @Test
> + @TestInBrowsers(testIn = { Browsers.one })
> + @Bug(id = "PR588")
> + public void AppletPersistentCookieSequential() throws Exception {
> + ProcessResult save = server.executeBrowser("/SavePersistentCookie.html");
> + //Use show doc to clear cookie afterwards
> + ProcessResult check = server.executeBrowser("/CheckCookieAndGotoClear.html");
> + Assert.assertTrue("stdout should contain '" + ENTERING_CHECK + "' but did not.", check.stdout.contains(ENTERING_CHECK));
> + //Persistent cookies should be stored past this point
> + Assert.assertTrue("stdout should contain '" + COOKIE_PERSISTENT_CHECK + "' but did not.", check.stdout.contains(COOKIE_PERSISTENT_CHECK));
> + }
> +
> +}
> \ No newline at end of file
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