[fyi][icedtea-web] fixing reproduces issues
Pavel Tisnovsky
ptisnovs at redhat.com
Fri Aug 17 04:15:39 PDT 2012
Hi Jiri,
both fixes looks good for me, ok to push and backport.
Btw - there are still some wrong formatting in the older code:
String resource,ContentReaderListener stdoutl,ContentReaderListener stderrl
- its not a part of patch, so let it be.
Also - it would be good to have a JavaDoc for *each* public method ;-)
----- Original Message -----
> Hi!
> There is an bug in listeners, which swapped (1.1.diff) err and out
> streams.This patch is fixing it
> and should be backported everywhere vere are listeners already.
> Second patch is fixing (1.2.diff) constantly failing deadlock tests -
> this error was caused by
> more-soft kill then kill -9 . As even more soft killining is on the
> way, then the tests for "killed"
> is no longer relevant.
> J
> 1.1
> * tests/test-extensions/net/sourceforge/jnlp/ServerAccess.java:
> (executeBrowser) stout and stderr
> listeners forwarded to next method in correct order.
> 1.2
> *
> tests/reproducers/simple/deadlocktest/testcases/DeadLockTestTest.java:
> (testDeadLockTestTerminatedBody) removed tests for killed-process and
> termination of remaining javas
> put on correct place.
> Sorry for inconvenience with this
> J.
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