[fyi][icedtea-web] fixing reproduces issues

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Fri Aug 17 03:49:20 PDT 2012

There is an bug in listeners, which swapped (1.1.diff) err and out streams.This patch is fixing it 
and should be backported everywhere vere are listeners already.

Second patch is fixing (1.2.diff) constantly failing deadlock tests - this error was caused by 
more-soft kill then kill -9 . As even more soft killining is on the way, then the tests for "killed" 
is no longer relevant.


* tests/test-extensions/net/sourceforge/jnlp/ServerAccess.java: (executeBrowser)  stout and stderr 
listeners forwarded to next method in correct order.

* tests/reproducers/simple/deadlocktest/testcases/DeadLockTestTest.java: 
(testDeadLockTestTerminatedBody) removed tests for killed-process and termination of remaining javas 
put on correct place.

Sorry for inconvenience with this

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