[rfc][icedtea-web] @Remote and automated manual testcases

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Mon Aug 20 10:25:32 PDT 2012


I would like to introduce Remote annotation for launching remote jnlp files (and appelts). Especially for automation of  http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea-Web-Tests .

For jnlp files I would like to continue in way as suggested in patch (as most of them for now do not have any output :-/ [but I know that a lot of *have* output to check]).

For applets there will be challenge to deal with various certficates, but it will be possible by new robot-like engien we are trying now in brno.

Currently the remote tests are run in default and no sign of @remote is in html report. But both will be fixed in case that this annotation and automatism will be found worthy.
Also some changes in wiki I would like to introduce after this automation is done. eg for now it will be like:

IcedTea-Web webstart test applications

Note: A lot of these are not Free Software.
http://www.cs.brown.edu/exploratories/freeSoftware/repository/edu/brown/cs/exploratories/applets/fft1DApp/1d_fast_fourier_transform_java_jnlp.jnlp (automated)
http://www.arbores.ca/AnnuityCalc.jnlp (automated)
http://www.ucware.com/apev/jaws/apev.jnlp (not working, one needs paied account)
http://phetsims.colorado.edu/sims/circuit-construction-kit/circuit-construction-kit-dc_en.jnlp (sometimes do not start,  always starts with -Xtrustall, automated)
http://www.topcoder.com/contest/arena/ContestAppletProd.jnlp (automatised, with -Xnofork, otherwise do not close correctly)
http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorialJWS/uiswing/events/ex6/ComponentEventDemo.jnlp (automated)
http://www.crossftp.com/crossftp.jnlp (trial, can't be automated)

Where automatised can be links to test files.

Hope that this is worthy.

There is close connection with [rfc][icedtea-web] do exec java instead  of plain java in javaws. If it will not able to go in, then I will need to add some killing mechanism (eg as the one in DeadlockTest - Xfork tests)

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