Patches for zero ftbfs for icedtea7-forest-2.3

Chris Phillips ChPhilli at
Thu Aug 30 11:06:35 PDT 2012


Attached are a set of patches (some courtesy of Roman Kennke) that will 
Zero to build from icedtea7-forest-2.3 head, I am currently testing and 
will put
back the changes after testing as preparation for the jsr292 faux 
ricochet code later ...
Please use / comment on  / report issues ...


--     Woda: "Java: write once, debug anywhere" Hong Zhang
  | Chris Phillips @ T.O. Red Hat OpenJDK JVM Engineer,            |
  | mailto:ChrisPhi at RedHat.Com                  (416)483-3768      |
  | http://LGonQn.Org/www/Chris.Phillips  cell: (416)505-3610      |
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