[rfc][icedtea-web] Fix for PR1198, JSObject passed incorrectly to Javascript

Adam Domurad adomurad at redhat.com
Mon Dec 3 11:03:27 PST 2012

On 11/30/2012 04:08 PM, Adam Domurad wrote:
> Hi all. Attached is a fix for PR1198.
> I still plan to write unit tests for at least the new method 
> PluginAppletViewer.toObjectIDString, but I wanted to get this out 
> before leaving for the weekend.
> One tricky thing with this patch was that it had to consolidate _a 
> lot_ of duplicated functionality (actually I found some subtle 
> differences in handling, this should be more consistent). Once that 
> was done the actual patch was fairly straight forward.
> The basic issue was that JSObject was being passed as if it were a 
> normal Java object, when the liveconnect spec specifies that it should 
> be returned as the underlying javascript object.
> A method was added to JSObject to get the underlying reference. This 
> was kept package-private to not pollute its public interface. As well, 
> a new permission was added for accessing this method. To access this 
> outside of the package, a utility was created in JSUtil.
> This patch adds a special case to Java->JS communication when sending 
> objects, to indicate that a Javascript object is being passed.
> With patch applied, JSObjectFromEval should pass in all browsers.
> 2012-11-30  Adam Domurad  <adomurad at redhat.com>
>     Fix PR1198: JSObject passed incorrectly to Javascript
>     * plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaJavaRequestProcessor.cc: Pass extra data 
> for
>     'jsobject' object result messages.
>     * plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaPluginRequestProcessor.cc: Same.
>     * plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaPluginUtils.cc: Add special casing of
>     javascript references passed from java.
>     * 
> plugin/icedteanp/java/netscape/javascript/JSObjectUnboxPermission.java:
>     New permission for unboxing a JSObject's internal reference.
>     * plugin/icedteanp/java/netscape/javascript/JSObject.java
>     (getInternalReference): New, package-private, retrieves internal
>     reference (Must have proper permission).
>     * plugin/icedteanp/java/netscape/javascript/JSUtil.java
>     (getJSObjectInternalReference) New, utility for accessing
>     JSObject#getInternalReference from outside the package.
>     * plugin/icedteanp/java/sun/applet/PluginAppletSecurityContext.java:
>     (toObjectIDString): New, creates a string that precisely identifies a
>     Java object.
>     (handleMessage): Replace a lot of duplicated functionality with
>     'toObjectIDString'.
>     * plugin/icedteanp/java/sun/applet/PluginAppletViewer.java: Replace
>     duplicated functionality with 'toObjectIDString'.
>     * 
> tests/reproducers/simple/JSObjectFromEval/srcs/JSObjectFromEval.java:
>     Don't print out type passed (differs from browser to browser).
>     * 
> tests/reproducers/simple/JSObjectFromEval/testcases/JSObjectFromEvalTest.java:
>     Don't check type passed (differs from browser to browser). Remove
>     known-to-fail. Reformat.

As promised attached is the unit-test for the newly introduced Java->JS 
function (which encapsulates logic that was duplicated in many areas)

Note that this patch contains a Makefile patch for unit testing 
sun.applet package, however this will be committed with another 
now-approved patch so I have left it out of the ChangeLog.

2012-12-XX  Adam Domurad  <adomurad at redhat.com>

     Unit test for PluginAppletSecurityContext#toObjectIDString. Make
     PluginAppletSecurityContext more unit-testable.
     * plugin/icedteanp/java/sun/applet/PluginAppletSecurityContext.java:
     Don't initialize security manager in constructor. Fix a few Java->JS
     corner cases.
     * plugin/icedteanp/java/sun/applet/PluginMain.java: Initialize
     SecurityManager before creating PluginAppletSecurityContext.
     * tests/netx/unit/sun/applet/PluginAppletSecurityContextTest.java:
     Unit test for all the corner cases of converting a Java object to a
     string that can be precisely identified.

Happy hacking,
-------------- next part --------------
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