[RFC][icedtea-web]: Small fix for PR1189 w/ reproducer

Saad Mohammad smohammad at redhat.com
Mon Dec 10 10:12:18 PST 2012

Hi Adam,

Sorry for the late follow-up. I see a lot has changed since the last patch -
please take a look at the updated patches attached.


As I mentioned earlier on IRC, Google Chrome does not launch applets that do not
have a code attribute defined. This is rather unfortunate as the main-class name
can be found within the jnlp file, if jnlp_href is used.

As for Firefox, however, there is no dependency on the code attribute to
continue launching the applet. Just like the proprietary plugin, we should also
avoid the dependency of the code attribute if the information can be found
elsewhere. In cases where the jnlp file is missing the main-class attribute, it
will lead to a ParseException resembling similar behaviour of the proprietary
plugin since it's a requirement in a jnlp applet file.

2012-12-10  Saad Mohammad  <smohammad at redhat.com>

	Fix PR1189: Icedtea-plugin requires code attribute when using jnlp_href.
	* netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/PluginParameters.java (PluginParameters):
	Updated if condition to prevent PluginParameterException from being thrown
	if applet tag contains jnlp_href but is missing code/object parameters.

2012-12-10  Saad Mohammad  <smohammad at redhat.com>

	Add reproducer for PR1189.
	Simple webpage which contains an applet tag with no code attribute.
	Jnlp file that is used by the webpages using jnlp_href.
	Testcase that tests applets without code attribute in html pages.
	* tests/reproducers/simple/SimpleApplet/srcs/SimpleApplet.java:
	Simple applet class that outputs a string.

Saad Mohammad
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