Unable to compile IcedTea with CACAO under Fedora 17

Stefan Ring stefan at complang.tuwien.ac.at
Tue Dec 18 01:26:15 PST 2012

> So I spun up a VM running the 64 bit version of Fedora, and ran the same
> build instructions. This time it appears to have completed successfully.
> My eventual goal is to build CACAO on the Raspberry Pi. The Fedora Remix for
> the Raspberry Pi is 32-bit. So the build scripts would need to be configured
> to work correctly.
> I don't understand what files would need to be modified to accommodate a
> successful 32-bit build. Suggestions? Does a bug report need to be filed?

I ran a build of icedtea7 on my SheevaPlug (512MB RAM, Fedora 17 as
well) a while ago without a problem, IIRC. I'll try to do it again
with current versions and report the results. This will take a while,

Regarding the Raspberry, do you run a armhf distro on it? If yes,
you'll have to wait a little while longer, because I'm only just in
the progress of working armhf work.


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