Unable to compile IcedTea with CACAO under Fedora 17

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Tue Dec 18 06:09:20 PST 2012

On 12/18/2012 01:03 PM, Greg Johnson wrote:

>> I ran a build of icedtea7 on my SheevaPlug (512MB RAM, Fedora 17
>> as well) a while ago without a problem, IIRC. I'll try to do it
>> again with current versions and report the results. This will take
>> a while, though.
> Was this a build with CACAO? That seems to be the problem....32bit builds with CACAO.
> I understand that your SheevaPlug will take a long time. I initially
> attempted the build with a Raspberry Pi, and it took two weeks
> before I reached the failure point. That's why I've decided that I
> won't attempt it again until I can successfully build CACAO on a
> 32bit x86 platform, since it's much faster. Until that can be
> accomplished, I don't see the point in compiling for ARM.

Is there some special reason you need CACAO?


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