Unable to compile IcedTea with CACAO under Fedora 17

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Tue Dec 18 09:28:15 PST 2012

On 12/18/2012 03:11 PM, Greg Johnson wrote:
>> Is there some special reason you need CACAO?
> Performance.
> I'm working with Java applications on low-powered devices --
> currently the Raspberry Pi. Initially I was using the Debian distro,
> but I'm partial to the Red Hat world. ;-) The Java performance on
> the Fedora 17 Remix version of Java is very poor compared to the
> versions available on Debian. The Debian version uses Zero VM (mixed
> mode). The Fedora version of Zero VM uses interpreted mode.

No, they're using the same VM.  The problem is that Raspberry Pi
doesn't support the Thumb2 instruction set, and the ARM JIT in OpenJDK
needs it.  I've been hoping that some day a brave soul will come along
and convert the Thumb2 JIT to generate ARM code instead of Thumb2
code, but there haven't been any takers.

> Have I received poor advice? Is Cacao something I shouldn't be
> interested in?  I guess I could always go back to Debian. :-(

If Debian have made the Thumb2 JIT work on Raspberry Pi I'd love to
know how.


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