Unable to compile IcedTea with CACAO under Fedora 17

Stefan Ring stefan at complang.tuwien.ac.at
Tue Dec 18 14:00:00 PST 2012

> I have a build running at the moment, and I expect it to be a few more
> hours before I can say something about the outcome. It will definitely
> not be 2 weeks ;).

On my SheevaPlug with Fedora 17:

#-- Build times ----------
Target all_product_build
Start 2012-12-18 11:50:13
End   2012-12-18 18:25:15
01:00:06 corba
00:23:37 jaxp
00:26:32 jaxws
04:23:02 jdk
00:21:45 langtools
06:35:02 TOTAL

IcedTea is served: /home/sr/staging/staging-build7/icedtea7/openjdk.build

real    424m53.696s
user    396m50.460s
sys     8m58.030s

$ ./staging-build7/icedtea7/openjdk.build/j2sdk-image/bin/java -version
java version "1.7.0_12"
IcedTea Runtime Environment (2.4pre+r8e3208997140) (Fedora build
CACAO (build 1.6.0+ra97f753cfb7a, compiled mode)

The IcedTea version is actually ff15cee90ed8, merged with my cacao
stuff. Built like this:

$ ./autogen.sh && ./configure --with-parallel-jobs=1 --enable-cacao
--disable-bootstrap --disable-docs --disable-system-lcms
--disable-system-zlib --disable-system-gio --disable-system-gtk
--disable-downloading --with-openjdk-src-dir=/home/sr/staging/forest7
--with-cacao-src-dir=../cacao && make

So apparently no problem here.

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