Unable to compile IcedTea with CACAO under Fedora 17

Stefan Ring stefan at complang.tuwien.ac.at
Tue Dec 18 14:33:17 PST 2012

> Stefan, thanks for all your help. I can see that you've disabled a lot in
> your build script, which I am going to try on the Raspberry Pi. That
> certainly should make the compile go a lot quicker. However, I did try it
> again on 32bit x86. It still fails with an out of memory error. :-(
> Anyway, I'll crank up the Pi and ..... wait. :-)

It's not disabled for speed, though, but because the configure script
complained about these. Or should I say, the configure script used to
complain many versions ago, and I have not bothered taking them out
since... ;). I'll try to find out if they are still necessary.

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