Reviewer needed: backport of "4465490: Suspicious about double-check locking idiom being used in the code" into IcedTea6 HEAD

Jiri Vanek jvanek at
Mon Feb 27 02:05:34 PST 2012

On 02/24/2012 05:24 PM, Pavel Tisnovsky wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to push following backport "4465490: Suspicious about double-check locking idiom being used in the code"
> into IcedTea6 HEAD. This backport is the second part of fixes for issue mentioned here
> hg diff containing patch + change + NEWS change are stored in an attachment.
> ChangeLog entry:
> 2012-02-24  Pavel Tisnovsky<ptisnovs at>
>          * Add new patch.
>          * NEWS: Mention backport.
>          * patches/openjdk/4465490-Suspicious_double-check_locking_idiom.patch:
>          Backport of 4465490: Suspicious about double-check locking idiom being
>          used in the code.
> Could anybody review this change please?
> Cheers,
> Pavel

I assume that volatile for private method which ahave alredy passed Oracles' review will cause no harm.
Thanx for this, J.

btw - isn't worthy to connect all three backport, which are connected with one purposes to one patch?
My recommendation is yes - What do you think?

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