[RFC][icedtea-web] made xsltproc to be checked mandatory tool, instead of ignore its failure

Danesh Dadachanji ddadacha at redhat.com
Tue Jan 3 06:38:58 PST 2012

Sorry for the slow reply!

On 20/12/11 10:26 AM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
> On 12/19/2011 08:39 PM, Danesh Dadachanji wrote:
>> Deepak: Changelog in the email? =)
>> Jiri: Comments inline.
>> On 19/12/11 11:47 AM, Deepak Bhole wrote:
>>> * Jiri Vanek<jvanek at redhat.com> [2011-12-15 11:02]:
>>>> 2011-12-15 Jiri Vanek<jvanek at redhat.com>
>>>> * configure.ac: added search for xsltproc program and setting
>>>> WITH_CSLTPROC variable
>>>> * makefile.am: xsltproc result is no longer ignored, command
>>>> itself is in conditional block
>> ChangeLog indenting looks incorrect. Some (more) typos:
> Yes... it seams that emails are changing tabs/spaces somehow magically
> on theirs ways.
>> s/makefile.am/Makefile.am
> Thanx for catching them!
> 2011-12-15 Jiri Vanek<jvanek at redhat.com>
> * configure.ac: added search for xsltproc program and setting
> WITH_XSLTPROC variable
> * Makefile.am: xsltproc result is no longer ignored, command
> itself is in conditional block
>>>> cat stderr.log>&2
>>>> - -xsltproc $(TESTS_SRCDIR)/$(REPORT_STYLES_DIRNAME)/jreport.xsl
>>>> $(JNLP_TESTS_ENGINE_DIR)/tests-output.xml>
>>>> $(TESTS_DIR)/index_reproducers.html
>>>> $(JNLP_TESTS_ENGINE_DIR)/tests-output.xml>
>>>> $(TESTS_DIR)/index_reproducers.html
>>>> +endif
>> Perhaps for consistency's sake, there should be a ' ; \ ' at the end
>> of the cat and $(XSLTPROC) lines (similar to the 'cat stdout...'
>> line). I'm pretty sure that building won't make a difference but I've
>> had experience where everything with the buildbot complaining and
>> failing because of minor syntax. I doubt it will because it did not
>> for the -xsltproc line but I don't see the harm in being more precise. =)
>>>> - cat stderr.log>&2 ;
>>>> - -xsltproc $(TESTS_SRCDIR)/$(REPORT_STYLES_DIRNAME)/jreport.xsl
>>>> $(NETX_UNIT_TEST_DIR)/tests-output.xml> $(TESTS_DIR)/index_unit.html
>>>> + cat stderr.log>&2
>>>> $(NETX_UNIT_TEST_DIR)/tests-output.xml> $(TESTS_DIR)/index_unit.html
>>>> +endif
>> Same as above.
> I really want to do it as separate command in this target. I think it is
> good idea to keep targets composited from as many separate commands as
> possible. It is very useful during debuging. It just stops on corrupted
> line and you immediately know....
> But what is more conventional I would like to kept for wiser then me:)
> (me believes that as separate commands as possible O:)

Well if it helps with debugging then it might be better to leave it as 
it is then. This looks good to me, nice work!


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