icedtea6 1.11 branching on 2012-01-06

Dr Andrew John Hughes ahughes at
Fri Jan 6 09:29:03 PST 2012

On 16:29 Fri 06 Jan     , Andrew Haley wrote:
> On 01/06/2012 04:24 PM, Omair Majid wrote:
> > I am trying to figure out what level of shark support should claim to 
> > offer in icedtea6 1.11 ("works if the stars are aligned just right" vs 
> > "nope, broken").
> None, unless someone wants to do a lot of testing right now.  I
> think of this as a temporary withdrawal to be followed by a
> better-than-ever-whiter-than-white-super-duper-new release later
> this year.

Personally, I've not had it working under previous releases, so I
wouldn't even consider it a regression as such.  Unless someone is
offering to fix it under a fairly immediate timeframe, we have to
press on with the release in its current state.  I don't think it
helps to hold back the release for everyone (and particularly the ARM
port improvements) for a handful of people who are interested in
Shark, most of whom probably work with HEAD anyway.

> Andrew.

Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (

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