IcedTea7 forest & OpenJDK7 u2

Damien Raude-Morvan drazzib at
Sun Jan 15 15:23:50 PST 2012

Hi Andrew,

Le mardi 10 janvier 2012 14:34:57, Dr Andrew John Hughes a écrit :
> I've done a merge of the OpenJDK7 u2 changes into the IcedTea7 forest
> and made them available at:
> Please test this out over the next few days.  If there are no issues
> by the end of the week, I'll push the changes to the main tree.
> We should follow this with a 2.1 release shortly after.

I've tried to build your icedtea7-forest with actual icedtea7 tip and managed 
to get hotspot building with small refresh / update to boot patches (see ecj-* 
attachements). I've also refreshed rhino.patch as one hunk failed. Maybe you 
can import my changes into icedtea7 tip ?

Unfortunately, ZeroVM (as alternative vm) seems to fail to build. I've to re-
run a new build to get actual error.

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