ARM: Rewrite disassembler to use hsdis

Andrew Hughes ahughes at
Mon Jan 23 13:12:25 PST 2012

----- Original Message -----
> On 01/23/2012 02:37 PM, Andrew Hughes wrote:
> > 
> > I'm very wary about introducing Makefile changes into a release
> > branch
> > at such a late stage.  How does these changes affect other
> > architectures?
> Not at all.

These chunks would certainly seem to:

+-CFLAGS		+= -fPIC
++CFLAGS		+= -fPIC -g


+-	if [ ! -f $@ ]; then cd $(TARGET_DIR); make all-opcodes; fi
++	if [ ! -f $@ ]; then cd $(TARGET_DIR); make all-opcodes "CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS)"; fi

As far as I can tell from the hard-to-read patch-within-a-patch, this part isn't within
an ARM #ifdef.

Have you posted this upstream yet?  I'd be interested to hear Kelly's thoughts.

> > Is hsdis part of a regular build?
> No, hsdis is never built in any OpenJDK release.

Ok, so how it is built?  Just via icedtea-debug?

> Andrew.

Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (

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