[rfc][icedtea-web] Reproducer & unit test for unsigned content in META-INF/

Adam Domurad adomurad at redhat.com
Thu Jul 5 08:27:30 PDT 2012

Note, bugfix already in HEAD. Reproducer sanity checked by backing out
-r429 in HEAD. 

Reproducer functions by copying and modifying ReadPropertiesSigned.jar
to have unsigned content in META-INF/ directory. If it is felt that it
should sign and create its own jar let me know.

Unit test changelog:
2012-07-05  Adam Domurad  <adomurad at redhat.com>

	Unit test for method in JCV, isMetaInfFile()
	* netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/tools/JarCertVerifier.java: 
	Made isMetaInfFile package-private for testing purposes.
	* tests/netx/unit/net/sourceforge/jnlp/tools/JarCertVerifierTest.java:
	New, tests isMetaInfFile()

Reproducer changelog:
2012-07-05  Adam Domurad  <adomurad at redhat.com>

	Reproducer for allowing unsigned content in META-INF/ folder. 
	Derives from ReadPropertiesSigned test's signed jar.
	New, runs a modified version of ReadPropertiesSigned.jar
	New, placed into a modified version of ReadPropertiesSigned.jar 
	(UnsignedContentInMETAINF.jar) so that there is unsigned content in the
	META-INF/ folder.
	* tests/reproducers/custom/UnsignedContentInMETAINF/srcs/Makefile:
	New, creates a modified version of ReadPropertiesSigned.jar, named 
	UnsignedContentInMETAINF.jar, and places unsigned content inside its 
	META-INF/ folder
	Test driver for jnlp file


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