Repopulating (was Re: RFC: PR1050 - Stream objects not garbage collected?)

Andrew Hughes ahughes at
Mon Jul 16 01:40:47 PDT 2012

----- Original Message -----
> On 06/28/2012 07:20 PM, Andrew Hughes wrote:
> > I don't think taking it upstream to OpenJDK8 is the right approach.
> > It won't solve this problem (fixes will still need to go across at
> > least three trees).  In fact, it'll make things harder as we'll
> > then
> > need to get reviewer approval and an Oracle bug ID for every fix.
> Yeah, this is quite unfortunate. But it's also true for all other
> code
> that we push upstream (including zero).

Well, yes, zero is the example I'd use to show how things have been
generally worse since upstreaming.

But the main issue is that you're comparing apples
and oranges; Zero was a series of patches against HotSpot (and a few
against the JDK) which would obviously make more sense upstream.
The PulseAudio sound provider plugin is an additional feature, which
should work with any JDK.  It makes more sense to package it separately,
as with existing sound providers users can choose to install.  Its
user base is also limited to people who use PulseAudio on GNU/Linux platforms
(has it been ported elsewhere?) while Zero is potentially useful on e.g.
PPC *BSD platforms.

> > I think a better approach would be to reinvigorate the IcedTea
> > PulseAudio
> > repository or, preferably, setup an upstream OpenJDK project for
> > it,
> > as you suggested on IRC.  Having it tied to specific JDK versions
> > is a
> > maintenance nightmare.
> > 
> > I believe IcedTea-Web has worked out well under its current model
> > and
> > the PulseAudio addon would do well to follow in its footsteps.
> > 
> What about splitting it and moving it back to
> then. It can be maintained there
> for
> multiple icedtea versions/releases. Does anyone have any concerns or
> objections?

Obviously not, as I suggested that above.

> Unlike icedtea-web, which runs standalone, we will need to modify
> configure in icedtea{6,7,8} to accept paths to the built pulse-java
> jar
> and so so it can be integrated properly.

No, that's upside-down.  PulseAudio should be responsible for installing
itself in a given JDK, just as IcedTea-Web is.  Otherwise, you end up
with a potential recursive dependency (IcedTea needs the PulseAudio provider,
which needs a JDK to be built).

> Cheers,
> Omair

Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (

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