Reviewer needed: fix for IcedTea7 HEAD/JDK forest (correction of conflict due to the merge jdk7u6-b16 and the fix 7043963: AWT workaround missing for Mutter)

Pavel Tisnovsky ptisnovs at
Mon Jul 16 01:54:26 PDT 2012

Andrew Hughes wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> On 07/13/2012 03:41 PM, Pavel Tisnovsky wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> there's a conflict between two pushes in IcedTea7 JDK forest which
>>> makes about 40 JTreg tests to fail
>>> because one method with the signature "public static Point
>>> getTitlePoint(Window decoratedWindow)" is
>>> defined twice times in the class
>>> Here are two conflicting pushes:
>>> # HG changeset patch
>>> # User andrew
>>> # Date 1340979660 -3600
>>> # Node ID 0f03c3a0bf941e29e0b4a1aff00da778e8431b87
>>> # Parent  5ed9d9f1087360ca52794d7b185ee2b86d01c9d2
>>> # Parent  cc19202f6179a5a784584eb3cdf6914870c8beac
>>> Merge jdk7u6-b16
>>> # User anthony
>>> # Date 1339598558 -14400
>>> # Node ID 3d7847385e94cb46f9e864d87591752ca8c91681
>>> # Parent  a4ba0f6d3f9bb64b455e1d5b155da9737a9db794
>>> 7043963: AWT workaround missing for Mutter.
>>> Summary: Support Mutter window manager
>>> Reviewed-by: art, omajid
>>> Contributed-by: Omair Majid <omajid at>
>>> To resolve this issue, simple change is needed to be make in the
>>> JDK forest - it just
>>> removes one duplicated method. Patch containing this change is
>>> stored in an attachment.
>>> Changelog entry for IcedTea7 HEAD:
>>> 2012-07-13  Pavel Tisnovsky  <ptisnovs at>
>>>          Resolved conflict between merge jdk7u6-b16 and the fix
>>>          7043963: AWT workaround missing for Mutter.
>>>          *
>>>          (HOTSPOT_CHANGESET): Updated.
>>>          (HOTSPOT_SHA256SUM): Likewise.
>>> Can anybody please review this change?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Pavel
>> Removing of method seem legit and necessary. Please push.
>> btw - after this commit, you will have to update with
>> news hashes of chnageset to
>> propagate the chnegs to other users of icedtea7-forest-head? What
>>  the  hell it is? Is it documented
>> somewhere?
>> J.
> Why is the HotSpot changeset/checksum being changed for a JDK change?
> Looking at the change you actually pushed, it seems your ChangeLog is inaccurate.

doh sorry, my mistake in case of ChangeLog - %s/HOTSPOT_/JDK_  I'm fixing it.


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