Native zlib libraries

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Jul 19 06:43:54 PDT 2012

On 19/07/2012 14:20, Andrew Hughes wrote:
> :
> Hmmm... this is interesting as we've been shipping OpenJDK with system zlib the whole time.
> Are some of the issues resolved in newer versions?  My system copy is 1.2.7.
> Not only is it generally against GNU/Linux distribution policy to bundle libraries without good reason, but it also means
> we then have to rebuild OpenJDK for any security issues in those dependencies.
I think using the system zlib (or libz as it seems to shipped as on 
Solaris and MacOSX) would have been okay with jdk6, it's just that the 
zip64 support in jdk7 changed total_in/out to "long long".

The copy that we have in the jdk repository at this time is 1.2.5. I'm 
not aware of any updates that avoid this patch but I think the right 
thing is to change the code so that it works with an 
unmodified zlib. I think Sherman has ideas on this, just hasn't got to 
it yet. If you have cycles to look at it that would be great (and I 
understand that distributions would frown on attempts to bundle a 
private copy with OpenJDK).


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