Ways of contributing

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Tue Jul 24 01:16:28 PDT 2012

On 07/19/2012 11:09 AM, Oliver wrote:
> I'm a computer science student within the UK and am interested in
> contributing to the OpenJDK. Could you advise me on any potential ways to
> get started and the areas in which you feel someone who has never
> contributed before could be successful in?

You have put your finger on one of the biggest problems we have in
OpenJDK development.  We've been discussing how to get more people
started (a process known as "onboarding") in the OpenJDK Governing
Board and we still don't know how best to do it.  There should be a
simple process of finding a bug, fixing it, and submitting a patch,
but we don't have that set up.

Is there any particular area you're interested in?  Low-level VM work,
libraries, graphics?


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