[Bug 1220] openjdk crashed

bugzilla-daemon at icedtea.classpath.org bugzilla-daemon at icedtea.classpath.org
Thu Nov 15 07:38:34 PST 2012


--- Comment #1 from Aristeo Savelli <aristeo.savelli at exprivia.it> ---
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x000000341e875a35, pid=19452, tid=140022831720192
# JRE version: 6.0_24-b24
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (20.0-b12 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed
# Derivative: IcedTea6 1.11.4
# Distribution: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3 (Santiago), package
# Problematic frame:
# C  [libc.so.6+0x75a35]  __tls_get_addr@@GLIBC_2.3+0x75a35
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please include
# instructions how to reproduce the bug and visit:
#   http://icedtea.classpath.org/bugzilla
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

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