A new bug Error while creating Shark JIT: Unable to find target for this triple (no targets are registered)

liu chao jun amiko212 at 126.com
Thu Nov 15 18:05:52 PST 2012

Hi all
        A new bug is happend when I work  on the icedtea1-11.4 against LLVM3.0 ,I Compiler the twos with below command line

./configure --enable-shared
make install
And final get a LLVM3.0.so
./configure --enable-zero --enable-shark --with_jdk_home=/home/j2sdk-image
make hotspot 
And final get a libjvm.so
However when run a  java -version the fllowing the error happed
Error while creating Shark JIT: Unable to find target for this triple (no targets are registered)

I have no idea how to register the shark JIT into my build ,can not add --enable-shark is ok  ,is any body know how to deal with it. Thank you very much ,And looking forward to your reply ,and it is great helpful with my job ,

thanks again

ps my plateform is : MIPS based

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