[rfc][icedtea-web] Remove need for HTML tag scanner in PluginAppletViewer

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Fri Nov 16 05:59:32 PST 2012

On 11/16/2012 02:51 PM, Pavel Tisnovsky wrote:
> Hi Adam and Jiri,
> I've looked mainly on C/C++ part of this patch and it seems ok from my side. I have
> just a few comments:
> escape_string(const char* to_encode):
>     * Escape characters for pssing to Java.
>                             ^^^  (I hope you mean to add 'a' here, not other vowel :D)
>     * this function is much more readable now thanks to using str:string :)
>     * "\n" for new line, "\\" for "\", "\:" for ";"
>       - so semicolon is escaped as \ + colon?
>       - I suppose it is done because you always add semicolon between the name and value
>         in parameter list, right?
>       - how about empty name and/or value?
> -    public static String decodeString(String toDecode) {
> -
> -        toDecode = toDecode.replace(">", ">");
> -        toDecode = toDecode.replace("&lt;", "<");
> -        toDecode = toDecode.replace("&amp;", "&");
> -        toDecode = toDecode.replace("&#10;", "\n");
> -        toDecode = toDecode.replace("&#13;", "\r");
> -        toDecode = toDecode.replace("&quot;", "\"");
> -
> -        return toDecode;
> -    }
>     * How does it work with backslash? It should works, but Opera (for example)
>       has problems with this character sometime. Jiri - is this checked somewhere?

Nope, this cases will need reproducers.


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