[RFC][icedtea-web]: Fix PR1166 - Embedded JNLP File is not supported in applet tag

Saad Mohammad smohammad at redhat.com
Wed Oct 3 11:10:03 PDT 2012

Hi Adam,

Thanks for looking over my patches. I updated the reproducers after your review.
Along with the attached reproducer, I also added unit test and updated the bug
fix patch so it is more compatible with tests.

Also, just a note, the reproducers do all pass for me through the test engine.
Let me know if you are having any trouble.



2012-10-03  Saad Mohammad  <smohammad at redhat.com>

	Fix PR1166: Embedded JNLP File is not supported in applet tag.
	* configure.ac: Checks for sun.misc.BASE64Encoder and
	* netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/JNLPFile.java (JNLPFile):
	New constructor which accepts inputstream of jnlp file and a
	specified codebase.
	* netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/Parser.java (Parser): If parsing of
	codebase fails, it will overwrite the codebase with the one passed
	in through parameters.
	* netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/PluginBridge.java:
	(PluginBridge) Supports embedded jnlp file.
	(decodeBase64String) Decodes Base64 strings to byte array.

2012-10-03  Saad Mohammad  <smohammad at redhat.com>

	Added reproducer for PR1166.
	* tests/reproducers/simple/EmbeddedJnlpInApplet/resources/EmbeddedJnlp.jnlp:
	Launching jnlp file that is used by jnlp_href in applet tag
	Applet with an embedded jnlp file with no codebase specified
	Applet with an embedded jnlp file with codebase set as a 'dot'
	* tests/reproducers/simple/EmbeddedJnlpInApplet/resources/JnlpInApplet.html:
	Applet with jnlp_href file.
	* tests/reproducers/simple/EmbeddedJnlpInApplet/srcs/EmbeddedJnlp.java:
	Simple class that outputs strings.
	Testcase that tests embedded jnlps in html pages.


2012-10-03  Saad Mohammad  <smohammad at redhat.com>

	* tests/netx/unit/net/sourceforge/jnlp/JNLPFileTest.java:
	Tests the JNLPFile constructor that accepts an InputStream and an alternative
	* tests/netx/unit/net/sourceforge/jnlp/ParserTest.java:
	Tests if the constructor handles the alternative codebase parameter correctly.
	* tests/netx/unit/net/sourceforge/jnlp/PluginBridgeTest.java:
	Tests if BASE64 strings are decoded correctly and if PluginBridge is
constructed with an
	embedded jnlp.


Saad Mohammad
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