[RFC][icedtea-web]: DownloadService implementation

Saad Mohammad smohammad at redhat.com
Fri Oct 5 14:37:08 PDT 2012

Hi Adam,

Thanks for the review of DownloadService implementation patch. The updated patch
is attached.

As you recommend in the review, I have moved as much functionality as I could
away from JNLPClassLoader to two new classes:

I also removed XDownloadService helper and replaced it with
XDownloadService.getClassLoader( ). For unit testing purposes, I will just
create a class which inherits from XDownloadService and only override
getClassLoader( ) so it returns a mocked JNLPClassLoader since runtime resources
are not available.

You can still test this patch with the reproducer patch. Let me know if you have
any other questions. Thanks :).


2012-10-05  Saad Mohammad  <smohammad at redhat.com>

	Core implementation of DownloadService.
	* netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/cache/CacheUtil.java (getCacheParentDirectory):
	Returns the parent directory of the cached resource.
	* netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/runtime/JNLPClassLoader.java:
	(getLoaders): Returns all loaders that this loader uses, including
	(addNewJar): Adds a new jar to the classloader with specified
	(removeJars): Remove jars from the filesystem.
	(initializeNewJarDownload): Downloads and initializes jars into the
	current loader.
	(manageExternalJars): Manages jars which are not mentioned in the
	JNLP file.
	* netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/runtime/LocateJnlpClassLoader.java:
	(getLoaderByJnlpFile): Returns the classloader of the jnlp file
	(getLoaderByResourceUrl): Returns the classloader that contains the
	specified jar.
	* netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/runtime/ManageJnlpResources.java:
	(findJars): Returns jars from the JNLP file with the specified
	(removeCachedJars): Removes jar from cache.
	(downloadJars): Downloads jars identified by part name.
	(loadExternalResouceToCache): Download and initalize resources which
	are not mentioned in the jnlp file.
	(removeExternalCachedResource): Removes resources from cache which
	are not mentioned in the jnlp file.
	(isExternalResourceCached): Determines if the resource that is not
	mentioned in the jnlp file is cached and returns a boolean with the
	* netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/services/XDownloadService.java:
	Core implementation of DownloadService.

Saad Mohammad
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