[fyi][icedtea-web]Refactoring of reproducers as agreed in April

Omair Majid omajid at redhat.com
Thu Oct 18 08:24:00 PDT 2012

On 10/18/2012 09:36 AM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
> On 10/10/2012 08:14 PM, Omair Majid wrote:
>> On 07/03/2012 10:56 AM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
>>> Hi. Updated renaming patch. Please chheck that I did not screw any
>>> renaming :-/
>> They look okay to me; I don't see typos. I assume you used a program to
>> perform automatic renaming, right?
> Thank you very much for review. Assuming the one bellow do ot belongs to
> patch, ok for head and 1.3?

Yeah, sounds okay to me. Could you please push to head and let it bake
for a few days before adding to 1.3?

>>> diff -r cbb73b27594b netx-dist-tests-whitelist
>>> --- a/netx-dist-tests-whitelist    Tue Jul 03 16:42:52 2012 +0200
>>> +++ b/netx-dist-tests-whitelist    Tue Jul 03 16:53:39 2012 +0200
>>> @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
>>> -.*
>>> +.*esource.*est*
>> I don't follow what this is doing. Could you explain or add a comment in
>> the file?
> Sorry, Did not belongs to patch. It is regex for launching Resource Tests:)
> This file should be for ever  containing *. .

Ah.. So this is what I should be modifying if I want to run just a
single reproducer? All this time I have just been deleting all the
reproducers I did not want to run :)


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